I have adored this man from the first time I saw him flicking his blonde forelock! I was 14.... I think I have everything he ever recorded.
Like Delbert McClinton, I think Jerry Lee is a honky-tonk, juke joint, bluesy guy with rock-n-roll when he needs to.... But, like Delbert, he can kick the you-know-what out of country.
For country "She Still Comes Around" can make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. "Why, Baby, Why"..another goodie. And I don't think anyone ever did a better job on "You Win Again".
But his "thang" is barRoom, down and dirty honky tonk and wicked R&R....
Our parents HATED him...worse than they did Elvis... Said he was immoral and his music seduced young girls and boys into all sorts of trouble. Then when he married his 13-year old second cousin....they almost fainted. We teenagers of the 50's were a rebellions bunch, though and we kept his music alive.
I wouldn't care if he sang the "All Time Hits of Tiny Tim", I'd buy it and love it.