who sings the song?
2007-05-10 19:36:29 UTC
i think it is called "our song". i know a few lines- "A million watts of love comin' on strong, dance with me darlin, their playin' our song"
Two answers:
2007-05-10 19:39:54 UTC

They're Playin' Our Song

(John Jarrard/Mark D. Sanders/Bob DiPiero)

Somebody's at the front door

I can hear 'em knockin'

Your mama's on the phone and she feels like talkin'

There's chicken on the barbecue, barbecuein'

Don't worry about it baby just

Drop what you're doing

'Cause they're playin' our song on the radio

Okay Mister D.J. and a way to go

A million watts of love power comin' on strong

Dance with me darlin', they're playin' our song

Oh, the house needs cleanin'

The grass needs mowin'

We both got places that we need to be goin'

Tomorrow's a big day

Better get ready

But tonight it's just you and me rockin' steady

'Cause they're playin' our song on the radio

Okay Mister D.J. and a way to go

A million watts of love power comin' on strong

Dance with me darlin', they're playin' our song

Yeah they're playin' our song on the radio

Okay Mister D.J. and a way to go

A million watts of love power comin' on strong

Dance with me darlin', they're playin' our song

Yeah they're playin' our song on the radio

Okay Mister D.J. and a way to go

A million watts of love power comin' on strong

Dance with me darlin', they're playin' our song
2007-05-11 02:40:09 UTC
neil macoy i know that answer cause he has beautiful eyes ;)

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